Mission Statement


The US Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK) is a science and education based advocacy for the responsible private ownership of, and trade in reptiles. We endorse caging standards, sound husbandry, escape prevention protocols, and an integrated approach to vital conservation issues. Our goal is to facilitate cooperation between government agencies, the scientific community, and the private sector in order to produce policy proposals that will effectively address important husbandry and conservation issues. The health of these animals, public safety, and maintaining ecological integrity are our primary concerns.


  Join USARK


Now that you have learned what we are all about here at USARK, we would like to invite you to join us. It is a qualified invitation. If you agree that the right to own and trade in reptiles & amphibians is under attack in this country…..if you believe that together we will create a powerful voice for your concerns…..if you accept our Code of Ethics…..if you agree that voluntary self regulation is preferable to outright Bans…..if you’re committed to the conservation of these wonderful creatures…..if you are willing to work with us to educate the public and eliminate the destructive prejudices that surround reptiles & amphibians, we would be honored to have you join us. 

We need the help of like-minded individuals to champion our message of education and advocacy across the United States. With your support government agencies will have no choice but to listen to the will of its citizens. The Animal Rights movement will be held accountable and exposed for their radical agenda of ending all animal ownership. Join us in spreading the truth and help to enlighten others to the wonder of these fabulous creatures.

Membership levels:

Student Member – Individual ($20)

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Bronze Member – Individual ($40)

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  • 1 USARK T-shirt

Silver Member – Business ($250)

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  • 2 USARK T-shirts

Gold Member – Industry Leader ($1000+)

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  • 5 USARK T-shirts

  • Policy Advisory Panel

To join us, please fill out our membership application and send appropriate membership dues. Make sure you add to your accepted list.

Join USARK Here